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Urology Clinical Trials

The Urology Center of Westchester participates in several clinical trials designed to improve treatments for patient with urologic diseases. To participate in a clinical trial and determine whether a clinical trial is available to you, call the UCW and ask about "clinical trials" by calling 914-347-1900.

All clinical trials are voluntary, confidential, and approved by the Internal Review Board of New York Medical College, Westchester Medical Center, and oversight committees.

Clinical trials, as they intend to produce a new therapy, are described as being in one of four 'phases' towards the clinical goal.

  • Phase I: a trial in which a new drug or treatment is being used on patients to determine its safety, proper dosing, and clinical effects.
  • Phase II: a trial in which a drug has passed phase I and is now ready to be tested at a certain dose against a placebo or against the drug currently in use.
  • Phase III: a trial in which a drug is now tested on many more patients, at different doses and intervals, with other safety checks and outcome measures.
  • Phase IV: a trial in which the final dosing, safety, and clinical outcomes are tested prior to the drug becoming available to patients and their doctors.

These are the following clinical trials in which the UCW is participating:

  • Kidney Cancer: AGS-003 in advanced kidney cancer. Recruiting. Date: April 1, 2013 This trial is for patients who are to undergo surgery for kidney cancer in whom surgery alone may not cure the patient. The proteins of a sample of the kidney tumor are used to 'train' the patient's own immune system to fight any remaining kidney cancer cells in the body after surgery
  • Prostate Cancer: Pfizer 34-112 high risk, low stage prostate cancer.