Robotic surgeon operating

Preparing for your procedure

Table of Contents

Transperineal (TP) MRI-FUSION Biopsy of the Prostate
Bluelight Cystoscopy and/or Bladder Biospy
Robotic Prostate Surgery
Robotic Kidney Surgery
Rezum Water Ablation of the prostate

Transperineal (TP) MRI-FUSION Biopsy of the Prostate

Transperineal (TP) biopsy of the prostate is generally conducted under anesthesia and therefore requires 'medical' clearance or a visit to our Pre-Admission Testing Center at least 3 days but no more than a month before the procedure. Patients will therefore need to prepare as follows:

  • Don't eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure except for medications you were instructed to take the morning of the procedure
  • Administer to yourself a Fleet enema at least 2 hours prior to the procedure. For 7:30 AM procedures, some patients have preferred to try this before bedtime.
  • Report to the hospital as instructed which in general will be the Ambulatory Care Pavillion (ACP) at 10 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY. A ride is required to and from the hospital as patients are not allowed to drive after anesthesia for 24 hours.
  • The surgeon will meet you about 30 minutes prior to the procedure and an intravenous will be started by the nurse after check-in.
  • The procedure will be reviewed with you by the surgeon, the checklist, expectations, and instructions.
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes once the patient is safely asleep. The Family First app will be used to send the family information.
  • Recovery should take place in the same area of ACP where the surgeon will review the results and plan the discharge. A small 2 x 2 bandage is placed loosely on the area of the needle marks of the perineum. The bandage may be removed in 24 hours and replaced with a feminine liner if necessary.
  • In general, follow-up in the office is 2 weeks after the procedure. Patients are advised to call 914 347 1900 to make an appointment and explain that the surgical team requested a "2-week post-op check".
  • Medications upon discharge will include 48 hours of an antibiotic, possibly a medication to ease the flow of urination if you are not taking one, and a painkiller if Tylenol is not strong enough.
  • The following day, the hospital will make a follow-up call with you to make sure you are doing well.
  • Please check here for the link to learn more about the specifics of the procedure.


'Bluelight' cystoscopy and bladder biopsy is generally conducted under anesthesia and therefore requires 'medical' clearance or a visit to our Pre-Admission Testing Center at least 3 days but no more than a month before the procedure. Patients will therefore need to prepare as follows

  • Don't eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure except for medications you were instructed to take the morning of the procedure
  • Report to the hospital as instructed which in general will be the Ambulatory Care Pavillion (ACP) at 10 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY. A ride is required to and from the hospital as patients are not allowed to drive after anesthesia for 24 hours.
  • The surgeon will meet you about 30 minutes prior to the procedure and an intravenous will be started by the nurse after check in.
  • 'Bluelight' cystoscopy uses a special fluorescent combined called HLA (need html link) which may allow the surgeon to see bladder tumors more easily and specifically. HLA needs to be administered into the bladder between 30-60 minutes prior to the procedure and the only way to do this is with bladder catheterization.
  • The surgeon or nurse will explain and perform the catheterization, instill the HLA, and then remove the catheter. The process may take between 2-3 minutes.
  • The Bluelight procedure itself will be reviewed with you by the surgeon, the check list, expectations, and instructions.
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes once the patient is safely asleep. The Family First app will be used to send the family information.
  • Recovery should take place in the same area of ACP where the surgeon will review the results and plan the discharge.
  • In general, follow up in the office is 2 weeks after the procedure. Patients are advised to call 914 347 1900 to make an appointment and explain that the surgical team requested a "2 week post op check".
  • The following day, the hospital will make a follow up call with you to make sure you are doing well.
  • Please check here for the link to learn more about the specifics of the procedure.


Robotic prostate surgery is conducted under anesthesia and therefore requires 'medical' clearance or a visit to our Pre-Admission Testing Center at least 3 days but no more than a month before the procedure. Patients will therefore need to prepare as follows

  • Don't eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure except for medications you were instructed to take the morning of the procedure
  • A laxative is, in general, recommended the afternoon before the procedure. Unless discussed with you by the surgeon, drink 1 (one) 10 ounce bottle of citrate of magnesium (Magnesium Citrate) which will normally cause you to have a bowel movement. If there is no result within 2 hours, a second 10 ounce bottle may be taken. Alternatively, a Fleet enema, 2 hours before the procedure may be used. Patients on hemodialysis should not take these laxatives and alternatives will be discussed with you by the surgeon.
  • Report to the hospital as instructed which in general will be the Ambulatory Care Pavillion (ACP) at 10 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY. Most patients undergoing robotic surgery stay in the hospital < 24 hours but do stay overnight. A ride should be arranged for the following day.
  • The surgeon will meet you about 30 minutes prior to the procedure and an intravenous will be started by the nurse after check in.
  • The surgeon will again explain the procedure, confirm the proper consents have been signed, and introduce the nursing and anesthesia staff. You may in addition be asked to consider an additional type of anesthesia called transabdominal peritoneal (TAP) block which may further improve comfort after surgery.
  • The robotic prostate procedure takes about 120 minutes once the patient is safely asleep. The Family First app will be used to send the family information during the procedure and after it is successfully completed.
  • Recovery after the procedure should take place in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) of the main hospital at Westchester Medical Center on the 2nd floor. The nursing staff will direct family how to contact the PACU and loved ones.
  • The patient will then be transferred to the urology ward in the main hospital for the remainder of their hospital stay.
  • In general, after discharge, follow up in the office occurs 1 (one) week after the procedure. Patients are advised to call 914 347 1900 to make an appointment and explain that the surgical team requested a "1 week post op check".
  • Please check here for the link to learn more about the specifics of the procedure.


Robotic kidney or ureter surgery is conducted under anesthesia and therefore requires 'medical' clearance or a visit to our Pre-Admission Testing Center at least 3 days but no more than a month before the procedure. Patients will therefore need to prepare as follows

  • Don't eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure except for medications you were instructed to take the morning of the procedure
  • A laxative is, in general, recommended the afternoon before the procedure. Unless discussed with you by the surgeon, drink 1 (one) 10 ounce bottle of citrate of magnesium (Magnesium Citrate) which will normally cause you to have a bowel movement. If there is no result within 2 hours, a second 10 ounce bottle may be taken. Patients on hemodialysis should not take these laxatives and alternatives will be discussed with you by the surgeon.
  • Report to the hospital as instructed which in general will be the Ambulatory Care Pavillion (ACP) at 10 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY. Most patients undergoing robotic surgery stay in the hospital < 24 hours but do stay overnight. A ride should be arranged for the following day.
  • The surgeon will meet you about 30 minutes prior to the procedure and an intravenous will be started by the nurse after check in.
  • The surgeon will again explain the procedure, confirm the proper consents have been signed, and introduce the nursing and anesthesia staff. You may in addition be asked to consider an additional type of anesthesia called transabdominal peritoneal (TAP) block which may further improve comfort after surgery.
  • The robotic kidney or ureter procedure takes about 120 minutes once the patient is safely asleep. The Family First app will be used to send the family information during the procedure and after it is successfully completed.
  • Recovery after the procedure should take place in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) of the main hospital at Westchester Medical Center on the 2nd floor. The nursing staff will direct family how to contact the PACU and loved ones.
  • The patient will then be transferred to the urology ward in the main hospital for the remainder of their hospital stay.
  • In general, after discharge, follow up in the office occurs 1 (one) week after the procedure. Patients are advised to call 914 347 1900 to make an appointment and explain that the surgical team requested a "1 week post op check".
  • Please check here for the link to learn more about the specifics of the procedure.


Rezum water ablation of the prostate is conducted under anesthesia and therefore requires 'medical' clearance or a visit to our Pre-Admission Testing Center at least 3 days but no more than a month before the procedure. Patients will therefore need to prepare as follows

  • Don't eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure except for medications you were instructed to take the morning of the procedure
  • A Fleet enema 2 hours before the procedure should be used. Patients on hemodialysis should not take these laxatives and alternatives will be discussed with you by the surgeon.
  • Report to the hospital as instructed which in general will be the Ambulatory Care Pavillion (ACP) at 10 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY. Most patients undergoing Rezum therapy may be discharged home the same day so you will need a ride to and from the hospital.
  • The surgeon will meet you about 30 minutes prior to the procedure and an intravenous will be started by the nurse after check in.
  • The surgeon will again explain the procedure, confirm the proper consents have been signed, and introduce the nursing and anesthesia staff.\
  • The Rezum procedure takes about 15 minutes once the patient is safely asleep. The Family First app will be used to send the family information during the procedure and after it is successfully completed.
  • Recovery after the procedure should take place in the same nursing area of ACP as before the procedure.
  • Patients may be discharged home with a Foley catheter to ensure that there are no difficulties with urination for the first 48 hours.
  • In general, after discharge, follow up in the office occurs 72 hours after the procedure. Patients are advised to call 914 347 1900 to make an appointment with the physicians assistant (PA) or medical doctor (MD) to remove the Foley catheter. A more formal follow up occurs 2 weeks later.
  • Please check here for the link to learn more about the specifics of the procedure.